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In the past three weeks, the UW Medicine Office of Healthcare Equity hosted three race-based virtual caucuses for employees. The caucuses served as a formalized, supportive space to talk, be heard and grieve about the recent killings of Black citizens by law enforcement and the long history of police brutality against Black people.

The caucuses were well attended and many of you who participated expressed interest in continuing to meet to discuss ways to advance our organization’s equity, diversity and inclusion goals, dismantle oppressive systems and work toward becoming a truly anti-racist organization.

We are pleased to announce that the race-based caucuses will continue through September, with the intention of convening formal, standing affinity groups going forward.

Dates, times and Zoom links for upcoming caucuses:

Black caucus: Join at

Time: 3 to 4 pm

Dates (Thursday): July 23, Aug.13, Aug. 27, Sept. 10 and Sept. 24.

People of Color caucus: Join at

Time: 3 to 4 pm

Dates (Friday): July 24, Aug. 14, Aug. 28, Sept. 11 and Sept. 25.

White caucus: Join at

Time: 3 to 4 pm

Dates (Monday): July 27, Aug. 17, Aug. 31, Sept. 14 and Sept. 28.

We ask that employees who are interested join the group that they identify with. The Zoom links have been set up as a recurring meeting so that all dates can be added to your calendars.

Each group will have a facilitator and virtual breakout rooms will be used for discussions. While facilitators will take notes, no one will be identified, and the gatherings will not be recorded.

We are excited about the energy and interest in anti-racism work generated by the previous caucuses and look forward to continuing that momentum into our next session.

If you would like to learn more about anti-racism work, please refer to our list of materials on healthcare equity and anti-racism. Learn more about the Office of Healthcare Equity by visiting our website.



Paula L. Houston, EdD

Chief Equity Officer

Office of Healthcare Equity

UW Medicine


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