Thank you to our UW Medicine employees for all your work to improve the health of the public.
Here’s how we’re making a difference in the community:
Patient relations praise
Gratitude and feedback submitted to patient relations.
Harborview Medical Center
“Everyone I had contact with on my procedure day was extremely friendly and helpful. I especially appreciate the anesthesia team by helping ease my fears with needles. The anesthesiologist had me fast asleep before inserting the IV needle. Not having to deal with my trypanophobia on an already stressful day was fantastic. Thank you to everyone.”
UW Medical Center – Northwest
“Care provided to me was excellent, beyond my expectations based on news of how busy ERs are these days. Dr. Luu was fantastic, dialoguing with me, listening and explaining all the whys and wherefores of what he was ordering, citing the cardiologist he was consulting. All the nurses were wonderful! All the support staff, too! I feel extremely blessed to have received care in the NW Hospital ER last week.”
UW Medical Center – Montlake
“I have been in and out of numerous hospitals in the Puget Sound area. UW Medicine was the best I have ever experienced. Other hospitals told me to not come back. UW listened and diagnosed the issue. How I feel better than I have in 30 years. Thanks so much. Staff was wonderful. Including custodial.”
UW Medicine Primary Care
“My doctor always expresses genuine concern and care for my health questions/needs. She always includes me in the decision-making process when it comes to changing/continuing my medications, pursuing treatment options, and making lifestyle changes. I feel safe and comfortable with her.”
Valley Medical Center
“All three ladies at the front were a delight. Please realize these ladies as the assets that they are! Ms. Kristen Oulton and Ms. Chantel were wonderful!”
Social media shout outs
Kudos and heartfelt comments from the community on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
“WE OWE YOU ALL, doctors, nurses, staff! My husband is a double lung recipient. Dr. Mulligan, Dr. Ho, & a very favorite Dr. Erika Lease! Thank you is never enough”
“My gratitude and thanks to the best team anyone could ask for: Dr. Kate Kearney, Dr. Bill Lombardi and Dr. April Stempien-Otero! ❤️”
“Back in the saddle… When I left the hospital (ICU) in the early morning hours of Oct 9, I was sure I would never see Jason put on his uniform again. I thought our lives were about to do a 180 overnight. Two ICU admissions, 2 hospital stays, 1 spinal cord surgery and 4 months later, he put on his uniform and drove away in his patrol car. I’m so thankful for our wonderful family and friends who got us through this rough time, and I’m eternally grateful for the skilled surgeons who made this day possible, especially Dr. Bonow at UW Medicine. Eatonville 1 is officially back in service!!! 💙💙💙”
“The team in the NICU and OB saved me and my baby’s life in 2014. She is now thriving and dreaming of returning there to UW to be a vet and a husky! Your neonatal nurses and doctors are amazing. We love you! Shout up to your follow up clinics too!”
“I am forever grateful to all the amazing doctors at Harborview who saved my life. I had necrotizing fasciitis in 2016…I’m sorry but I don’t know all their names. I am so lucky to be alive…thank you all!”
Raves & Raves is a monthly column of positive feedback received from patients and community members.
Raves & Raves: December 2024