A first-in-human, Phase 1 clinical trial of an investigational nanoparticle influenza vaccine designed to offer long-lasting protection against multiple viral strains is beginning at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, mentioned the potential for a universal nanoparticle flu vaccine on May 26 at a House Committee on Appropriations hearing.
This innovative vaccine may provide better protection than traditional flu shots, and may even protect against flu strains that have the potential to become future pandemics.
The vaccine was developed in a collaboration between the Neil King Lab at the UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design and the National Institutes of Health Vaccine Research Center.
Dr. Tony Fauci @NIH @NIAIDSNews announces that mosaic nanoparticle #influenza #vaccine developed & tested @KingLabIPD @UWproteindesign @UWBiochemistry is now entering clinical trails in people.
Phase I study: https://t.co/mrMvXKjTFF. Research paper: https://t.co/CCfx6iC5DY. https://t.co/PyzA5iXfD3— UW Medicine Newsroom (@uwmnewsroom) May 27, 2021
- Details about the trial are available at clinicaltrials.gov using the identifier NCT04896086.
- Read the research paper.
- More from the UW Medicine Newsroom on the nanoparticle flu shot.