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A message from Drs. Paul Ramsey and Tom Lynch

We are pleased to announce that today marks the first day of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Today, we unite our exceptional teams at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and launch a unified adult cancer research and care center that brings us together into a single, independent, nonprofit organization that is also a clinically integrated part of UW Medicine and UW Medicine’s cancer program. This is a major step in our journey to redefine cancer care and research in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We are immensely grateful to each of you for helping us reach this point through your dedication, collaboration and hard work.

While this is a significant moment in our history, we know change won’t happen overnight. As we work together to merge Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center’s teams and operations and achieve clinical integration of our patient care programs, much of our day-to-day work will continue as usual: We will support our patients with high-quality treatment and care, advance research and discoveries, and operate a world-class organization and preeminent cancer program.

Through this transition, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center also welcomes a new Board of Directors, including 13 leaders from across diverse backgrounds and experiences responsible for overseeing our future operations. You can learn more about them here.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will continue to provide regular updates and opportunities to meet with leadership to ensure we stay connected and coordinated. We will also introduce the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center brand later this year. Until then, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and SCCA teams will continue to operate using their respective organizations’ names and logos, with a few minor exceptions in legal contexts. And the high-quality patient care, research and operations patients have come to expect from us will continue uninterrupted.

We invite you to join in a brief virtual gathering this morning to commemorate this day and acknowledge the critical value and history each of our organizations brings to this important collaboration. Please join the broadcast at 10:00am using this YouTube Live link.

We are tremendously excited to move forward on this journey together. The formation of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and its clinical integration with UW Medicine builds on a legacy of excellence and positions us for the greatest possible impact. It supports our shared commitment and leadership in preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer and ultimately discovering cures for patients and families who need them.

Thank you, again, for all you do to make life beyond cancer a reality. Our work together is just beginning.

Paul Ramsey, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer, UW Medicine
Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs
Dean of the School of Medicine,
University of Washington

Thomas J. Lynch Jr., M.D.
President and Director, Fred Hutch
Raisbeck Endowed Chair