Laurel Kelnhoefer-Millevolte, UW School of Medicine, receives honor as a 2023–2024 Magnuson Scholar.
Scholarships are presented by the University of Washington, the Board of Health Sciences Deans, and the Magnuson Scholar Program. All scholars are nominated by their respective Health Sciences School on the basis of outstanding academic performance and potential contributions to research in the health sciences.
This program is a key component of the Warren G. Magnuson Institute for Biomedical Research and Health Professions Training. It is funded by an endowment established in 1991 in the late senator’s name, who represented Washington State in the U.S. Senate from 1944 to 1981 and in the U.S. House for the seven years preceding.
More information on the recipients and the scholarship may be found at Magnuson Scholars for 2023-2024.