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We are pleased to share that UW Medicine is now scheduling COVID-19 vaccine appointments for employees who meet the criteria for the first group of Phase 1B, according to guidance from the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). If you are a member of the previous Phase 1A, which includes high-risk health care workers, first responders, and staff and residents of long-term care facilities, you also remain eligible to receive the vaccine.

The first group of Phase 1B includes those who are 65 years of age and older and those who are 50 years of age and older living in a multigenerational (two or more generations) household, defined as:

  • People who are 50 and older AND are not able to live independently, who either:
    • Are receiving long-term care from a paid or unpaid caregiver, or
    • Are living with someone who works outside the home
  • People who are 50 and older AND are living with and caring for a grandchild, niece or nephew

No individuals under age 50 are eligible, and no individuals age 50 and older caring for a partner, friend or child (unless that child is a grandchild, niece or nephew) are eligible as part of this first group of Phase 1B. For more information on DOH vaccination plans, visit

Schedule or decline your COVID-19 vaccine here
If you meet the criteria for Phase 1A or the first group of Phase 1B, follow the link to schedule or decline.

Scheduling Guidelines

  • Phase 1A eligible UW Medicine employees (those within the hospitals and clinics) must respond to the vaccine survey at to schedule or decline.
  • Phase 1B eligible UW Medicine employees (those not within the hospitals and clinics) are strongly encouraged to respond to the vaccine survey at to schedule or decline the option to receive the vaccine at a UW Medicine site.
  • Non-UW Medicine employees or those working for the University of Washington who qualify may proceed with vaccine scheduling at or 844.520.8700 (call or text).
  • Vaccination sites will be available at the UW Medical Center Montlake and Northwest campuses, Harborview Medical Center and Valley Medical Center.
  • Review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the UW Medicine Huddle site.

We encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider if you have specific questions about receiving the vaccine.

If you are also a UW Medicine patient, you may receive a similar message with a different set of instructions. If you opt to vaccinate through UW Medicine, please do not use the patient process. As an employee, we prefer that you schedule with the link above to help us streamline vaccine delivery.

A limited number of appointments are available based on vaccine supply and vaccination site capacity. We appreciate your patience as you navigate the process and as we assess our ability to add more vaccination appointment times and locations.

In the coming weeks, we will provide updates as vaccine scheduling opens to additional employees who meet eligibility criteria outlined by the state. Timing for each group within the UW Medicine community will depend on available vaccine quantities and DOH guidelines. All UW Medicine employees ultimately will have the opportunity to be vaccinated based on their eligibility according to DOH guidance and timing.

As you await your opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and after you are vaccinated, please maintain the health and safety guidelines of masking, physical distancing, handwashing and avoiding indoor gatherings.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as UW Medicine works to align with the state’s guidelines. We remain committed to vaccinating our employees and the community in the effort to end the COVID-19 pandemic.


Lisa Brandenburg
President, UW Medicine Hospitals & Clinics
Vice President for Medical Affairs
University of Washington

Timothy H. Dellit, MD
Chief Medical Officer, UW Medicine
Vice President for Medical Affairs,
University of Washington and
President, UW Physicians