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Origins of Black History Month

Black History Month was founded by the historian Carter G. Woodson, PhD.

Woodson, the son of formerly enslaved people (Anne Eliza Riddle Woodson and James Henry Woodson), worked as a coal miner while pursuing his education, culminating in becoming the second African American to earn a PhD from Harvard. In 1912, Woodson launched the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) to create educational curricula and share the achievements of African Americans.

In 1926, Woodson started Negro History Week to share Black history and celebrate both culture and accomplishments. The weeklong celebration expanded to a month in 1976 and continues to be a time to reflect on the contributions Black people have made to the world. It is also a time — as is every month of the year — to focus on the impact of systemic, structural and institutional racism and the continued need for social justice.

National Theme of Black History Month

The 2025 national theme is African Americans and Labor. The theme recognizes African Americans’ relationship with labor and how the workplace has shaped Black history, culture and identity. This encompasses free and unfree work, formal and informal employment, and labor organizing throughout history. Historical and current work realities contribute to the lived experiences of Black individuals. This examination is even more important today, as racial inequities persist and take new forms in the 21st century workplace.  

Black History Month at UW Medicine

UW Medicine’sBlack History Month Flag Raisingwill take place on Jan. 31 at noon on all hospital campuses. 

Each year during Black History Month, UW Medicine is proud to highlight the accomplishments and experiences Black employees. Read 2024, 2023 and 2022 Huddle Black History Month employee features. 

UW Medicine continues to address policies and practices to improve healthcare equity. UW Medicine’s Office of Healthcare Equity offers regular events, talks and training. The office also sponsors affinity groups open to all, including the UW Medicine Black Affinity Group. 

Digital Assets and Posters

Email signature

Celebrate Black History Month and support colleagues by adding an icon to your email signature. The graphic depicts the colors of the Pan-African flag, a symbol of Black liberation in the United States. Visit the UW Medicine brand site to download the signature. If you need instructions on how to add an email signature, visit the Microsoft Office support page.

Zoom background

Visit the UW Medicine brand site to download the background.


Download a PDF of the poster.


Support for Black community members

While a time for celebration, the deluge of potentially traumatic stories shared in the media during Black History Month can also be triggering and exhausting within the Black community. This is an important time to remember to practice self-care. Below are some resources.