The accumulative toll of the pandemic continues to impact UW Medicine healthcare staff and clinicians as we face challenging circumstances such as short staffing, high patient volumes, global crises and underlying worries about patients, friends and family members.
To help UW Medicine staff and clinicians address the pandemic’s toll, expert Laura van Dernoot Lipsky will hold a two-hour virtual training workshop. Van Dernoot Lipsky is the founder of the Trauma Stewardship Institute, an organization focused on raising awareness of and responding to the accumulative toll on those exposed to suffering, hardship, crisis or trauma.

Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
This virtual interactive training will include:
- Practical tools to help us individually and collectively sustain the challenges of trauma, whether the trauma is related to our work, our personal lives, the pandemic or systematic oppression.
- Information about secondary trauma.
- Strategies for supporting ourselves and each other.
Register for a live workshop on June 21, from 4-6 p.m. Watch a recording of the earlier March session.