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We are aware that many members of our UW Medicine community are experiencing feelings of fear, uncertainty and more in response to recent federal executive orders. With every change in administration comes policy changes and people in our community may disagree or agree with these changes. It is unclear how these orders may be implemented, what policies may emerge, and where potential legal challenges may be made. We are working across the UW to better understand these potential impacts and to support our patients, faculty, staff, trainees and students. We are not changing any of our practices or programs while navigating this period of uncertainty. If, after careful review and analysis, we identify the need to make changes or to clarify our position in order to comply with federal and state law, we will work through our existing policies and protocols to ensure appropriate implementation in our complex system.

Our immediate focus is on the well-being of our people and our patients, and to do what we can to make sure people feel as safe as possible coming to work, learn, discover, and provide and receive care at UW Medicine.

Our mission is unchanged; we are committed to improving the health of the public, for all people. While there may be uncertainty with respect to future laws and potential impacts, the certainty we have is the commitment to our values and the communities we serve.

We are committed to:

  • Continuing to provide the full spectrum of care and equitable care for all patients.
  • Building a workforce that reflects the patients and communities that we serve.
  • Creating a working and learning environment where everyone feels welcomed, supported and valued.
  • Educating our workforce, students and trainees to understand the experiences and needs of those we serve.

Uncertainty can be stressful. In addition to seeking support from your managers and supervisors, please remember the support resources available to you, including UW Supports and Mental Health Resources, help from a peer supporter, counseling through the Washington Employee Assistance Program and well-being programming. Remember also that use of existing bias reporting channels is encouraged if there is a perception that someone is being mistreated.

If you receive an inquiry from the media please direct the requester to While you may have strong opinions about the executive orders and have the right to express those opinions as an individual, you should be clear that you are not speaking on behalf of the UW or UW Medicine. The uncertainty and potential anxiety created by the executive orders make it important for the UW and UW Medicine to be clear in communications to both our community and the public.

We will continue to value and honor each of you, continue to work to ensure our system is one in which everyone feels they belong, and do our best to support those who are vulnerable. I have complete confidence in our ability to meet any challenge ahead of us while remaining steadfast to our values.


Timothy H. Dellit, MD (He, Him, His)
CEO, UW Medicine
Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and
Paul G. Ramsey Endowed Dean of the School of Medicine,
University of Washington