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There are three key factors in helping yourself experience resilience:

  1. Cultivating relationships and connections.
  2. Cultivating a sense of purpose.
  3. Cultivating positive emotions.

We’ve talked about the need to emphasize social connections even while we remain physically distanced from one another. Our collective response to COVID-19 gives a tremendous sense of purpose to everyone within UW Medicine. To cultivate positive emotions, one of the best things we can do is practice gratitude. Even in the midst of the hardest moments this crisis offers, we can find our grounding and the path forward in our gratitude for every member of our community.


healthcare illustration

We want to express our gratitude to everyone behind the scenes who has been working tirelessly to keep UW Medicine operating and thriving over the last couple months. From supply chain sourcing our personal protective equipment (PPE), communications keeping us all informed, folks rapidly adopting telehealth to support our patients, Zoom-weary staff and administrators connecting the dots and advancement navigating everything from Girl Scout Cookies to million dollar donations — we see you and we thank you. You know who you have seen going the extra mile handing out meals, cleaning, comforting and taking on the care of our patients in their toughest moments. Please take a moment and share your gratitude for the folks in our UW Medicine community who you want to recognize through #TogetherUW.

Know that our community continues to express gratitude to every one of us:

“Thank you all for your dedicated hard work and kindness. Those of us whose best role seems to simply be “stay home, stay healthy & sew” are sending you our surplus good energy to boost you through these times. Breathe, breathe, breathe — and know that you are fully supported by a far-reaching grateful community.”

“I know you might be struggling right now but know this, you are strong and we are the strength behind you if you fall. You have our hearts and are always on our minds. You are the light in this storm and together we will weather the way!”

“My heart is warmed and my faith in humanity is buoyed knowing that caring medical professionals like you are risking so much to care for COVID-19 patients. Please know that many, many people are praying for your safety and well-being, and applauding your courageous and altruistic professionalism. Please take good care and get the rest you need to sustain yourself for the long haul. I can’t appreciate you enough! WELL DONE!! WELL DONE!!”

“Thank you to each and every member of the UW Medicine staff from the janitors, housekeepers, nurses, attendants, office support, doctors — everyone in the UW Medical community. You all rock!”

Please continue to check our well-being and support website for up-to-date resources and support.

We are honored to be in this community with all of you and humbled by the dedication you have all shown to our shared work.

With much gratitude,Anne Browning, PhD
Assistant Dean for Well-BeingUW School of Medicine
Founding Director, UW Resilience Lab
Affiliate Assistant Professor, UW College of Education


Patricia Kritek, MD, EdM
Associate Dean – Faculty Affairs
Professor – Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine