Message Regarding Closure of Seattle Public Schools
For those of us with school-age children, today’s announcement regarding the two-week closure of Seattle Public Schools adds yet another layer of complexity to the growing impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in our community.
Human Resources is currently working to activate additional resources (e.g. services that connect those with childcare need to accredited resources; partnering with university programs that match accredited students with an interest in child development to families with need; contracting with local childcare services with excess capacity, etc.). We will share additional information as soon as possible. Short-term, we are asking that all staff with school-age children quickly review and activate their individual disaster contingency plans as they relate to childcare support. This may include turning to friends and family for additional help.
If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact your manager.
These are extraordinary circumstances for sure, and we are continually humbled by the exceptional efforts being made by the UW Medicine team. We play such a critical role in the care of the community, and our family, friends and neighbors rely on us to be here when in need.
Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.