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Shelley Wiechman, PhD, ABPP, attending psychologist at the Harborview Regional Burn Center and associate professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, is the recipient of the American Burn Association (ABA) Curtis P. Artz Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes a non-physician ABA member for their outstanding contributions to the burn field.

Wiechman’s research focuses on pain management and long-term outcomes of burn injury. She has been involved in the psychosocial special interest group and has served on several committees in the ABA, including the Aftercare Reintegration Committee, the Membership Advisory Committee, the Program Committee and the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee. She served on the Board of Trustees as a membership officer from 2013-2017.

Watch Wiechman accept her award at 20:45-25:43 on the recording of the 53rd Annual Meeting Award Presentation provided by the ABA.