Professor and Chair of Neurological Surgery Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD, FACS received the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Distinguished Service Award at the October 2017 CNS annual meeting in Boston – the most prestigious award the CNS can bestow on an individual. Dr. Ellenbogen will be the 41st recipient since the award was initiated in 1961.
As described by the CNS this is “a prestigious award designed to honor the contributions and activities of outstanding individuals and members of the CNS. The legacy, accomplishments, and contributions of prior award recipients are remarkable.”
Dr. Russell Lonser, 2016 CNS President notes: Dr. Ellenbogen was specifically selected because he has made critical and fundamental contributions to the specialty of neurological surgery and the broader medical community. Importantly, the award recognizes that his work has indelibly shaped the field through the improved care of patients, the enriched training of neurosurgeons, outstanding leadership and scientific advancement. In short, Dr. Ellenbogen represents the best of neurosurgery both in his contributions, as well as character. Dr. Ellenbogen’s selection was the unanimous decision of the award selection committee and underscores the profound impact that he has had on neurosurgery and the respect that he commands across our field.
Nathan R. Selden, MD, PhD, 2015 CNS President adds, Rich Ellenbogen is a trusted leader who went on after his presidency of the CNS to add value and advance the mission of other very important neurosurgical organizations, such as the American Society of Pediatric Neurosurgeons, and now most importantly to the American Board of Neurological Surgery. Rich focuses on the health of our specialty, and how we can help every neurosurgeon advance the interests of their patients. He consistently gives extensive amounts of personal and professional time to neurosurgery and is highly deserving of recognition for this sustained period of generous productivity over more than two decades.
Ellenbogen is Professor and Theodore S. Roberts Endowed Chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery at the UW. He is also Director of the Neurological Surgery Residency Program and Director of the UW Medicine Neurosciences Institute.