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Data Snapshot  

UW Medicine Hospitals: 

June 25, 2021 COVID-19 patients

King County: The county reported 34 new positive cases and 0 new deaths on June 29. 

Washington: The state reported 414,249 cases and 5,911 deaths as of June 27.  

United States: The CDC reports 33,451,748 cases and 601,506 deaths as of June 28. 

Global: WHO reports 181,007,816 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 3,927,222 deaths as of June 29. 

Numbers update frequently, please follow links for most up-to-date numbers.  

UW Medicine COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Update 

Total Vaccine Doses Administered: 348,002 

  • Total first dose: 169,689 
  • Total second dose: 178,313 

As of June 28, 2021. 

UW Medicine in the News 

The New York Times: Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Are Likely to Produce Long-Lasting Immunity, Study Suggests
Featuring: Marion Pepper, Immunology
“The vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna set off a persistent immune reaction in the body that may protect against the coronavirus for years, scientists reported on Monday. The findings add to growing evidence that most people immunized with the mRNA vaccines may not need boosters, so long as the virus and its variants do not evolve much beyond their current forms — which is not guaranteed. People who recovered from Covid-19 before being vaccinated may not need boosters even if the virus does make a significant transformation.”

South Seattle Emerald: As State Prepares to Reopen, Some Communities Still Have Lower Vaccination Rates
Featuring: Leo Morales, Chief Diversity Officer
“Reasons for not getting vaccinated can be varied and personal, but a study released by the University of Washington this spring has revealed that vaccine hesitancy among Latinos in Washington has actually been low. Instead, researchers found that a significant percentage of Latino residents in Washington have concerns regarding costs associated with getting the vaccine — for instance, the economic impact of missing a few days of work in jobs that often don’t provide sick leave. ‘I think there are many factors at work, I still think that yes, there are questions around hesitancy that have to do with concerns about vaccine safety,’ said Dr. Leo Morales, co-director of the Latino Center for Health at the University of Washington, in an interview with the Emerald. ‘But I think that a significant amount of the lack of vaccination is still due to access and concerns around cost.”’

COVID-19 Literature Report

COVID-19 Literature Surveillance Team, is an affiliated group of medical students, PhDs and physicians keeping up with the latest research on SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 by finding the newest articles, reading them, grading their level of evidence and bringing you the bottom line.

Read the latest report: June 25 | Weekly COVID-19 LST Report.

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