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Data Snapshot

UW Medicine Hospitals:

COVID-19 Inpatients Sept 8 2020

King CountyThe county reported 56 new positive cases and 0 new deaths on Sept. 7.

Washington: The state reported 77,545 cases and 1,953 deaths as of Sept. 6.

United StatesThe CDC reports 6,310,663 cases and 189,147 deaths as of Sept. 9.

Global: WHO reports 27,486,960 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 894,983 deaths as of Sept. 9.

*Numbers update frequently, please follow links for most up-to-date numbers.

UW Medicine in the News

KUOW: Why it’s crucial that healthy people get a flu shot, especially this season

Featuring: John Lynch, Allergy & Infectious Diseases

“You have to remember that flu vaccinations are really one of the most powerful tools we have to prevent influenza from happening. A big challenge we’re facing this year is that folks who may have influenza may look exactly like someone who has COVID-19. The same way the other direction.

So, you can imagine how that could really complicate the evaluation of someone in a clinic or emergency department who has flu-like symptoms.”


Eat This, Not That! Health: This One Thing Could Reduce Your COVID Risk by 75%

Featuring: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

“Mask wearing has never been seen as more essential to stopping coronavirus from spreading. ‘A new long-term forecast predicts a significant increase in COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. by the new year,’ reports Bloomberg. ‘Under the latest projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine, COVID-19 deaths could rise to 410,451 by the end of 2020. In a worst-case scenario, there could be 620,029 fatalities, according to the estimates.’

‘The difference between the projected and worst-case scenarios comes down to how diligent authorities are in mandating masks and social distancing, according to the report.”’

The Seattle Times: Youth sports amid COVID-19 pandemic: Some Washington teams hope for fall games, and others play on

Featuring: Jonathan Drezner, Sports Medicine

‘“I can tell you with certainty that small-group training in youth soccer — when it’s physically distanced and when everyone is following the safety and hygiene protocols — is safe,’ Drezner said. ‘We haven’t had any transmission from player to player or coach to player. … I think Seattle United has been a model youth program and has really been a leader in the community because of that.’ So far, most local soccer clubs are practicing only in their small-group pods; summer tournaments and games have been postponed or canceled. As fall approaches and as confirmed cases in the Puget Sound region seem to be slowly declining, club officials hope King County can move into Phase 3 in the near future, which could mean a return of scrimmages and games.”


NBC News: U.S. closes in on grim pandemic milestone: the 200,000th COVID-19 death:

Featuring: Christopher Murray, IHME

“The United States is closing in fast on a number that was unthinkable when the first deaths from the coronavirus were reported back in February — the 200,000th pandemic fatality, NBC News figures showed Tuesday. There were 190,327 reported deaths out of more than 6.3 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S., according to the latest numbers. Over the past seven days, one new COVID-19 death was being recorded every 106 seconds, according to an NBC News analysis. The silver lining? The pace at which the new coronavirus deaths were accumulating was somewhat slower than it was after the first week in August, when one person died of the coronavirus every 80 seconds over a seven-day period.

And the states recording the largest increases in death rates over the last four weeks were not the biggest or most populous ones.”

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