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Data Snapshot  

UW Medicine Hospitals: 

COVID-19 Positive Inpatients April 28 2021

King County: The county reported 147 new positive cases and 2 new deaths on April 27.  

Washington: The state reported 370,861 cases and 5,474 deaths as of April 27.  

United States: The CDC reports 31,976,888 cases and 570,421 deaths as of April 28. 

Global: WHO reports 148,999,876 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 968,452,196 deaths as of April 29. 

Numbers update frequently, please follow links for most up-to-date numbers.  

UW Medicine COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Update 

Total Vaccine Doses Administered: 248,611 

  • Total first dose: 135,527 
  • Total second dose: 113,084 

As of April 27, 2021. 

UW Medicine in the News 

KIRO 7: CDC changes mask guidelines for fully vaccinated
Featuring: John Lynch, Allergy & Infectious Diseases
“On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed the mask guidelines for people who are fully vaccinated. If you’re fully vaccinated, you can skip wearing a mask when you’re outside unless you’re in a large crowd. ‘These are scientifically good, backed-up evidence-based recommendations,’ said Dr. John Lynch of UW Medicine. ‘The take here is if you’re outdoors and not in a big group of people and you’re vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask.’ Dr. John Lynch of UW medicine said it shows how much protection the vaccines offer.

KOMO News: Feeling stressed about returning to a more-normal life?
Featuring: Douglas Zatzik, Psychiatry
“The path forward from the pandemic is exciting for some, scary for others. Dr. Douglas Zatzik, a board-certified psychiatrist with UW Medicine, says it’s entirely normal to be anxious about what comes next. ‘There are folks who’ve suffered really major losses during the pandemic losses of loved ones, or losses of jobs for whom it may be really tough getting back to routine, given all the disruption,’ he said. ‘There are other folks who’ve been quarantining, distancing and who now have clearly acceptable and warranted anxieties about getting back into that old routine.’ A recent survey by the American Psychological Association, found that nearly half the adults responding said they felt uncomfortable about getting back into life as it was before the pandemic.”

CNN: Black or ‘Other’? Doctors may be relying on race to make decisions about your health
Featuring: Naomi Nkinsimedical student at UW School of Medicine
“We know, for example, that Black Americans have been disproportionally affected by Covid-19. But it’s not because Black bodies respond differently to the virus. It’s because, as Dr. Anthony Fauci has noted, a disproportionate number of Black people have jobs that put them at higher risk and have less access to quality health care. ‘What are we making scientific and biological when it actually isn’t?’ Roberts asks. Vyas says using race as a proxy for these disparities in clinical algorithms can also create a vicious cycle. ‘There’s a risk there, we argue, of simply building these into the system and almost accepting them as fact instead of focusing on really addressing the root causes,” Vyas says. “If we systematize these existing disparities … we risk ensuring that these trends will simply continue.”

COVID-19 Literature Report  

COVID-19 Literature Situation Reportis a daily (M-F) newsletter put together by the Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness that provides a succinct summary of the latest scientific literature related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Key Takeaways: COVID-19 Literature Situation Report April 27 2021 

  • The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reaffirmed its interim recommendation for use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in all persons aged ≥18 years on April 23, 2021, with the addition of a warning that rare clotting events may occur in female vaccine recipients aged 18-49 years. A risk-benefit analysis that guided ACIP recommendations suggested that for every 1 million doses administered to women aged 18-49 years, 297 COVID-19-related hospitalizations, 56 ICU admissions, and 6 deaths could be prevented, compared with 7 expected cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia. More. 
  • The effectiveness of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) in preventing PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection was 96% among 45,000 fully vaccinated US healthcare personnel. Vaccine effectiveness was 78% among those receiving only one dose (n>4,000). More.

COVID-19 Literature Surveillance Team, is an affiliated group of medical students, PhDs and physicians keeping up with the latest research on SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 by finding the newest articles, reading them, grading their level of evidence and bringing you the bottom line.

Read the latest report: April 23 | Weekly COVID-19 LST Report.

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