UW Medicine’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) reports on our ability to maintain normal operations using a scale from “monitoring” to “high level of activation” based on information about community transmission rates, hospital admissions, staffing capacity, space availability, PPE supplies and other impacts on the health system.
This update provides a quick look at some of the key data used by the EOC to determine UW Medicine’s current level of activation. For more detailed information, you can review the EOC’s situation status reports.
EOC Level of Activation
June 14, 2022: The EOC is at a Low-Mid Level of Activation based on current numbers for COVID-19 admissions and community transmission. COVID-19 patients represent 3.88% of hospital admissions. UW Medicine hospitals are caring for 42 patients with COVID-19. As of yesterday, 116 employees were on leave due to COVID-19 isolation.
UW Medicine COVID-19 Inpatients
Daily Capacity Data Report
The Daily Capacity Data Report shows the total occupancy and the number of COVID-19 patients at each hospital.
Employees Out of Office Due to COVID-19
This chart shows the number of employees on leave due to COVID-19 isolation and quarantine on representative days between December 28, 2021, and June 13, 2022.
New: The drop in numbers this week is primarily due to policy changes for ending home quarantine.
King County and Washington State Epidemiology
King County: Public Health – Seattle & King County is reporting 446,932 cases and 2,850 deaths as of June 13. The number of new cases over the last seven days is currently at 326.9 per 100,000 people.
Washington: The Department of Health reports 1,617,208 total cases and 13,056 deaths as of June 12.
EOC Priorities
Vaccines for Children Under 5 (New): UW Medicine is preparing for the expected authorization of vaccines for children ages 6 months to 5 years. The Pfizer vaccine will be the sole choice if it is authorized. Vaccines for this age group will be given in pediatric clinics and during regular office visits when possible. Watch for more details at UW Medicine COVID-19 Vaccine Updates & Information.
Staff Quarantine and Isolation Policy (Update): In alignment with CDC guidance, employees who have no symptoms of COVID-19 will be allowed to work after a home exposure. Negative tests and respirator use will be required during the surveillance period. See the policy for details and FAQs.
EOC Transition (Continuing): Planning is underway to reduce EOC staffing and activities to support ongoing mandated activities at a “monitoring” level, beginning July 1, 2022. We will continue to evaluate COVID-19 activities to determine if full reactivation is needed.
Stay Informed
In the Media:
- UW Medicine to co-lead COVID-19 vaccine study, Dr. Helen Chu, Infectious Diseases, KIRO 7 News (For information about participating, see CASCADIA Study.)
- Two omicron subvariants spreading across U.S., Dr. Alex Greninger, Laboratory Medicine, WebMD
- Can these drugs stop a COVID infection in its tracks? Seattle researchers are on the forefront of new treatments, Dr. Elizabeth Duke, Infectious Diseases, The Seattle Times
- Understanding COVID-19 therapeutics, Dr. Shireesha Dhanireddy, Infectious Diseases, Tri-City Herald
- Coronavirus infection during pregnancy linked to brain development problems in babies, Dr. Kristina Adams Waldorf, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Los Angeles Times
Ongoing communications:
- Emergency Operations Updates: Scheduled for Tuesdays.
- Dr. John Lynch COVID-19 Update: Scheduled for Thursdays every two weeks.
- Town Halls: Generally scheduled for 3 p.m. on Fridays; Check your email for announcements (recordings available).
- Community Conversations: Check your email for dates and times (recordings available).
- EOC Situation Reports: Posted on the UW Medicine intranet (AMC login required).
- Leadership Messages and Employee Resources: Posted on The Huddle.
UW Medicine Leadership